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CRUX Graduation Assignment - Groundwater flow through a dike

CRUX is a leading independent consulting firm in the field of geotechnical engineering, geohydrology and environmental remediation.

Through our intensive cooperation with our sister companies BouwRisk (monitoring) and CEMS (engineering microservice), we are able to provide innovative, (geo)technical design solutions for all issues in the subsurface. One such issue is groundwater flow through a dike. 

To determine the safety of a dike against collapse, it is important to have a good understanding of the groundwater flow in a dike, especially in the current time with climate change and (very) dry and wet periods. To determine the groundwater flow in a dike we use the design rules from the "Technisch Rapport Waterspanningen bij Dijken" and WBI2017m such as the Dupuit method.

The graduation assignment consists of the verification of the existing rules for the determination of groundwater flow in a dike with software such as from DGeoFlow, PlaxFlow and Seepw, in combination with pore pressure measurements. Part of this graduation assignment is answering how the current rules can be used to determine the influence of climate change on the groundwater flow. 

Looking for another assignment or internship? Contact us and ask about the opportunities. 

Interested in taking on this subject in a dynamic and professional working environment? Get in touch:

CRUX Engineering BV

Korneel de Jong

M + 31 (0)6 344 175 91

Good coffee, challenging projects and being part of Jong CRUX are the basics of your career at CRUX. We are happy to tell you about the opportunities. 



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