Jaap van Thiel de Vries (Boskalis)

"Building with nature"

In this presentation the concept of 'building with nature' and who participates in it will be explained. Further on, the most important motives for a contractor to support the concept 'Building with nature' will be stated and examples of it towards challenges in geotechnics will be given.

About the speaker

Jaap van Thiel de Vries is on behalf of Boskalis part of the Ecoshape management team that coordinates the innovation Program Building with Nature. As program manager he is responsible for several case studies in which he fulfils a divers role including intense interaction with clients and stakeholders but also expert advice. Besides his work at Ecoshape Jaap works as a senior engineer at the engineering group of Boskalis within the Marine Environment and Morphology group where he a.o. works on complex projects and tenders.

The program 'Building with Nature' is administered, represented and carried out by Ecoshape, a foundation by law. The EcoShape consortium consists of private parties such as dredging contractors, equipment suppliers and engineering consultants, as well as public parties such as government agencies  and municipalities, applied research institutes, universities and academic research institutes.

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